Thursday 8 December 2016

Dinesh marshy


In this blog i'll show you to lose weight fast.So in this article we discuss about 3 strong remedies that help you lose weight and so if you are unable to lose weight and you seriously want to lose weight this remedies will help you.So if you follow these remedies for a week you should be able
to lose weight quickly.SO let's start with first remedy.


So first remedy that i am going to discuss with you is cumin with glass strength.So for that you required is common cumin seeds,so just add 2 teaspoon of cumin seeds in a one glass of water and boil on low flame for about five minutes and then filter it and Just add around 2 teaspoon of honey and then add a slice of lemon juice.Now mix it properly and it is ready.So you have to drink cumin water every morning or an empty stomach to lose weight.


So the second remedy is curries leaves so what you have to do is wash the curry leaves and eat around seven to eight curry leaves every morning.So it will help in the reduction of weight actually curry leaves reduce the cholesterol for those who are overweight. Using the curry leaves will help it eliminate a bad fat from your body and health in weight loss.just drink a glass of warm water After eating this curry leaves .


In third remedy you required a cup or glass for warm water,1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar,1 teaspoon honey and mix it well and that's it.It's apple cider vinegar drink twice in a day that is once before having your lunch and once in the evening to loss weight.This apple cider vinegar helps to remove and unwanted toxins from your body and help to lose weight fast.

Apart form this let me share you some tips that will help you to lose weight fast.

  • So first tip is that avoid oil,sugary,junk food and any other sweeteners.
  • So second tips is have some food like cabbage,cauliflower,green small beans.They are low calorie foods that helps in weight loss.
  • The third tip is include more proteins fibers to your diet whenever you feel thirsty drink warm water at least five or six liters in a day.And last and one of the most important tip is you have to exercise daily up to for 20 minutes to help you lose weight.

So follow these tips to get a slim trimmed and a toned body.If you
follow these remedies for up to a month you will definitely lose more than 15

Dinesh marshy

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