Friday 9 December 2016

Dinesh marshy


In today blog i'll share you world's heaviest woman, her name is Iman Ahmad Abdulati is horribly obese with overweight. She morbidly obese at just 25 years old her weight 500 kg. Due to her size,she finds it difficult to move,walk and sit.Her helpless parents are trying to cut his fat by surgery.

She was born normal,he weighed 3.8kg when she was born.Now his weight 500 kg.She can walk,but not too far.She just usually sit and lying around here.Her mom says she is perpetually hungry and has  enormous diet and can actually eat meals of two adult  at one time."There is  no other pain than
seeing your  child suffering i wish to see my daughter to do more activity like playing with kids and do some more thing.She struggle for walk,she said he ran out of breath.Emma family says she has not been able to leave her house for 25 years,they said when she was 11 she gained weight and even she couldn't stand up.

She will flown on a chartered plane to Mumbai where Indian doctors will operate her.

Dinesh marshy

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