Friday 10 March 2017

Dinesh marshy


In today blog we want to talk about the benefits of lying and sleeping on your left side. Probably you never thought about how you sleep or the benefits of sleeping on one side or the other. Maybe you already know that lying on your left side has great benefits for digestion. After you eat the food the food goes into your stomach, your stomach sort of cradles like that, if you lie on your left side the food just sits there and the muscular contraction of your stomach can sort of contract the food out and digest it in a very gradual kind of organized fashion. If you lied on your right side it would push all the food out and gravity would empty it in a kind of maybe a overzealous matter and disturb the digestive path where process your pancreas is also allowing you know on the left side so it allows it to empty without being overly zealous in the ending process but most importantly lying on your left side is your stomach do the churning that it needs to do to digest properly very important.


Well one reason that you want to sleep on your left side is because your lymphatic system primarily dumps in left side above your heart so while lying on your left side allows this natural draining to take place in your lymphatic system and there is no heart pump connected to your limp the limp trains by muscular contractions which isn’t happening.
When we sleep on our left side one of the major organs of the lymphatic system is your spleen the spleen is one of the central orders of your lymphatic systems like a big  huge lymph node and when that’s on your left side, so when you sleep  on your left the whole  lower extremity and the body drains into the spleen helping the drains. In addition the your intestinal tract your large intestine actually is connected to your smaller intestine and  your small intestine kind of ends on the right side called the lieocecal value and that dumps into the large intestines and that’s on the right so when you lie on your left side what happen is the all the food can actually be dumped into the small  intestine in a very effortless manner into the large intestine and actually begin help some get ready for a big elimination or evacuation first thing in  the morning.
We don’t have lots of studies although I have seen study to  show that we rely on the left side after meal they get less heartburn  and the y need less anti-acid but this is an anatomically logical  thing to do and something that’s been practices for thousands of years as part of Ayurveda medicine.
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Dinesh marshy

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