Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Dinesh marshy


As you can probably see from the title below this is the highly requested blog so finally after a one month I decide to share with you my secrets on how to whiten your teeth naturally. So quickly let’s go into why do we get yellow teeth and what is some people have natural yellow teeth even though you floss or you used mouthwash use whitening toothpaste and put a ton of other things but your teeth is just generally more yellow than others.

How to white your teeth

So there are two Cause of Yellow teeth.
how to remove yellow teeth

  • The extrinsic strains are more usually strains that are brought onto your teeth like you know eating or from diet especially if you have excess amounts of coffee or tea or consume of lot’s of brown or dark colored foods. And also things like red wine, footie’s, blueberries and if you’re smoking. What worst is there also type of that doesn’t have any pigment at like soda water soft drinks and lemon juice things like that. Those actually rode your enamel and actually close your teeth to go yellow more easily.
  • The Intrinsic stains are usually kind of board into your at a really young age. There are also some prescription strains mouthwashes that cause teeth to go yellow.

So now let’s talk about the foods that you can eat or use to help your teeth whitening naturally.


Specially the ones with the black dots on that as we know that bananas are grown from nature so it doesn’t have all the harsh chemicals as you will find in like a mouthwash or bleach. Because bananas are full of vitamins and minerals. It also contains a ton of magnesium and potassium and it’s easy for the teeth to actually absorb these natural products. So what you would do after consuming a banana you can use banana skin and rub it gently on your teeth for about 10 minutes before you actually go brush your teeth. If you repeat this day and night you probably will see results within the first month


 Recent studies have found that both milk and yogurt contains the ton of mineral that actually help whiten your teeth naturally. Now these minerals contain calcium and phosphorus which actually help to avoid acidic erosion in your normal number


Don’t be fool by the reddish color it actually contains malic acid which acts as a stringent to get rid of the surface stain on your teeth and kind of gives it tastes like the polish shine.


They say an apple a day keeps the dentist away. That’s right after eating a whole meal if you have an apple it not only washes away all the surface stains that actually get in between the teeth to get rid of the entire top. Apples also contain malic acid but also have high levels of vitamins c which we know can brighten your teeth

5. LEMON   

So besides malic acid citric acid is also very helpful in polishing away your teeth and gets rid of the  stains. However I don’t suggest using this very often so I will probably add a bit of lemon into water but don’t drink this religiously every day but we do this once or twice a week.


Now think of this one as your toner. What it does it actually enhances the effects of both the citric and the malic acid. So you have to do it is grab half a teaspoon of baking soda. You can squeeze in couple of drops of lemon juice or maybe apple juice and then mix it into a paste. You apply this on teeth and you leave about five minutes. Now I don’t recommend doing this everyday. You can use more than three times a month.

So besides all these of course there are other options to whiten your teeth like pulling or they’re even professional grade teeth whitening sets and things like that. So definitely don’t be afraid to try these that if none of this works for you. As usual I hope this blog was helpful if you want to know about anything leave your comment next to comment and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Here is Video For Whitening Your Yellow Teeth Naturally

Dinesh marshy

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9 January 2017 at 03:50 delete

Good tips
